a): My sister loves him, he's one of her favorite characters
Saint Seiya. Although I still prefer His brother Saga, I like Kanon a lot too. Powerful He's a fighter, and I undergoes considerable Some Character Development.
M - Movies (favorites) (by Spooky), Jules et Jim , Amadeus , Floridas
na Serra (WAS Becker Cacilda Such a great actress!), Several films starring Cantinflas, Edward Scissorhands , and Several Others Probably I can not remember right now because i * always * forget a lot of important items Whenever I'm Asked to compile lists of faves.
O - Ogawa Mana
(by Anita): I can not remember if I've ever listened to her songs and Stock ofor not. ^^U [2] P - Piccolo (by Anita): OMG, he's so sexy! *__* Yes, I do find a green, non-human male sexy. His Brazilian dubber is to blame in part for my fangirlish reactions, but Piccolo is a quite likeable character in his own right anyway. It's a shame that like so many other DBZ characters, he's eventually reduced to a joke of a fighter. ¬¬ R - Risako Sugaya (by Anita): I can't remember if I've ever listened to any of her songs or not. ^^U [3]
S - Saint Seiya (by Emily/
askwhatyouneed ): It still is--and I suspect it will always be--my #1 fandom. I love the classic anime too much to let anything else
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