think you're exempted from sending me a (late) b-day email just because you may not have Internet access during your first days in your new home, think again. *threatening stare*
Thank you for the love! Thank you very, very much to those who mentioned me at hpsharethelove ! This made my day, especially because I'm used to being ignored and forgotten. *is moved* I'm also so humbled and honoured for having been mentioned in the Love for Fest Mods thread. In comparison to the many important names listed there, I'm just Miss Nobody. So my being listed came as a wonderful surprise. *is moved again* Fests and Exchange: I think by now MOST
Participants Have Their entries submitted. Things Have Been Running Smoothly So Far. I'm a happy mod. :-)
The Secret Coconut Was a joy to Organiser, as always. Most people Had the chance to choose Their own assignments, the (very few) late ones Have Been Entered In Our prompt lottery, and the admins (Anita and I) Have already sent out the initial administrative emails. I love all this Excitement: reading all the creative, intriguing prompts submitted, the VARIED reactions to the options available on the prompt masterlist, people hurrying up to grab prompts Their favorite, running the lottery for the less fortunate or more adventurous ones, cheerleading writers nervous after Their fate is sealed. The problem is That Now That the first wave of activity is gone, I feel Rather empty. This Secret Coconut thing is addictive! I Seriously Need to run more fests! ^ ^ UUU By the way, Anita and I Have Been working on a fannish calendar of events for the upcoming months / year. I Should Have Some news for you soon. ;-)
Help Pakistan fic:
I Told my winning bidder at
help_pakistan guessed That I Had Exactly what pairing she would ask me to write about. That's right: for some reason I *knew* she was going to request a Harry/Ron fic.
Becky is a nice, flexible person, and she gave me a quite inspiring prompt. The problem, as I've mentioned on an older post, is that it's perhaps too easy to inspire me. Which means that I'd better find a way to condense the many ideas I already have for this fic, or it's going to be too lengthy. I don't want to make my lovely recipient wait for too long. T__T Maybe I should eliminate a certain subplot entirely, as much as I'd love to use it. In fact, there are two subplots I could eliminate; let's call them A and B. I do think I can preserve A. But B is... tough. Either I embrace it fully and give it all the care it requires, or I deletand it completely. It Will not Admit to Shortened version, unlikable A. That Does Not Deserve the Same A B does care. It's just that I can see why A Might Be Shortened and Still Remain believable. B, On the Other Hand, Might Not Be believable at all if Not Given enough room.
Then again, this is how I see Things. Maybe Other writers / readers disagree with me and Would Say That A is the Most Dangerous subplot, where, B Requires less work. Ah, I do not know! > __ \u0026lt;The good news is That I do know how to make Harry and Ron stay together in this story, and this is What Matters, I suppose. ^ ^ U
Coconut fic: If you're
Participating in the current round of
The Sec