Monday, August 30, 2010

Kingvale Tubing Coupon

thanks to those who gave me this gift! *__* Fanfics -->
Please, read this before you write any fanfics for me
. ;-)

For other fandoms, you'd better talk to me first, or maybe contact Anita (

). Fanart --> The notes above also apply to fanart. I just want to add that I prefer it when the characters are recognisable. For instance, a random girl is not Shaina just because the fanartist says so. ^^U She should look as close to the Shaina we all know from the anime as possible.

PAID: [info] Extra LJ userpics --> Because I've found out that only 15 icons are not enough. Paid LJ account --> Because it would be great to be able to edit my comments.

US$200 deposit in my PayPal account --> Please highlight the following bar to read my PayPal account info: I can't believe you actually highlighted this! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! XD

As you can see, it's easy to make me happy. Now go and take action! XD

Friday, August 27, 2010

Bicuspid Aortic Valve Tattoo Multifandom fanfic exchange: sign-ups are open now

MLXC . We accept stories in English, Portuguese and English (although we haven't had any fics in the latter so far). Don't worry: you'll never have to write nor read anything in an unknown language! If English is your only language, you can rest assured that you'll write a fic in English and will receive a gift in English too. If you can read English but don't feel comfortable writing in this language, you'll be given the chance to write in Portuguese or English instead. In the event that, say, two French-speaking authors sign-up and one of them chooses to write for the other, we may allow a fic in French if need be (the same goes for other languages like German, Italian etc.). Actually, this is an unwritten rule; we never had to put it to use, but I decIDED to mention it here just so you know That the Possibility exists. [info] Well, this was my announcement for the day. :-P

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Claddagh Ring In Winnipeg Saint Seiya fanart rec

I have not forgotten about the HP meme! ^ ^ U I'll resume it in the near future. Meanwhile, I absolutely Have to share with you the newest drawing by [info] Manech. But historical has nothing to do with HP (Mane although HP does Have great pics in her DA gallery). The fandom is Saint Seiya, and the characters you see below Are the much loved Gold Saints. Enjoy!

Golden days by Manech

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Drank From Cup Of Hepatitis B Icon meme

TMLXC ) especially for our community [info] hermioneville . Hermione/Neville is my OTP in the HP fandom. So, yes, I'm in love... with this ship.

Made by

too. The girl in the pic is j-pop singer Koharu. Anita has made several variations of this icon, mostly using text suggested by me. The \ Saint Seiya
characters. Em wasn't overly fond of him though. :-P