Monday, April 27, 2009

How Accurate Are Compatability Charts

Famous box to write code without livejournal think we really want to interpret them as such xD. \u0026lt;textarea

Note: Delete the asterisk ( important! )


rows = "X" (number of lines or "rungs")

cols = "XX" (number of columns or number of characters per line.

Example: The box contains the code has 3 lines 50 characters per line.

Symptoms Of Brain Tumor Borderless images with links

Link to an image without leaving the border: (LOL!)


and edges link:

With borderless link:

Important: class =" pic "and border =" 0 "

Another fact: width =" XXX "heigth =" XXX " (for growth

Pulmonary Embolism More Condition_symptoms Layoutlandia, the Land of Happy Codes

Overview Community [info] layoutlandia :

Layoutlandia is a community created by [info] Betiana to avoid drowning in a glass of water and have your loved ones css codes within their grasp if you forget how to use them.

This community is dedicated to tutorials on css layouts codes and other codes html for livejournal.

do not need the credit for the information itself (ie, if correct something in your layouts with the help of this community is not necessary for clarification, because s